
Pavlov behaviorism
Pavlov behaviorism

pavlov behaviorism

Watson, an American psychologist, was deeply impressed by the first reports of Pavlov’s work, because of the scientific precision and the absence of introspection. He came to believe that all human thought, emotion, and language derived from this simple form of learning that psychologists, psychotherapists, and counselors call classical or Pavlovian conditioning. As has so often happened in scientific research, he had accidentally discovered a very important principle in learning, which he called conditioning. As expected, over time the dogs would salivate just in response to ringing the bell. To take this surprise finding a step further, Pavlov in the next round of experimentation would ring a bell right before the food was given to the dogs. Since the sound of brining the food always happened immediately before bringing the food, the dogs started to salivate to the sound as if it were the food.

pavlov behaviorism

Pavlov observed that the dogs had recognized to associate the sound of bringing the food with the food. After several feeding sessions Pavlov noticed that that the dogs started salivating when they heard the food being brought to them rather than when it was put in their mouths. For his research, he had temporarily inserted tubes in the cheeks of dogs to gather saliva during eating. This the late 19th century Russian biologist was conducting research on digestion in dogs when he noticed and interesting thing. Ivan Pavlov is considered the father of behaviorism. Knowledge of all the significant schools of thought and treatment modalities in the field of psychology constitute the basic curriculum of any accredited university degree in psychology and gives psychologists, psychotherapists, and counselors the qualifications to use evidence based treatment methods for mental health disorders and to facilitate personal development and growth. As the scientific research in the field of psychology and psychotherapy continued, behaviorism was expanded upon and other schools of thought emerged.

Pavlov behaviorism